Time needed: max 2-3 min
Why? Feedback is a very effective method to give students the opportunity to reflect itself in the assessment of their performance by peers, detached from teacher assessments. On the other hand, the teacher is able to recognize how deep and correct are learned topics already available.
When? After students haven given a presentation to a taught topic or a given task.
How? Install the feedback method in your lesson, let students tinker flash cards with number 1 until 3 as evaluation cards. After the presentation the students have to decide which mark they want to give, install three different topics: 1.content, 2. language, 3.presentation design. Every student has to evaluate these three topics. If really bad as well very good results happen they should explain their reasons. Every student should also have the possibility to add missed contents.
Any risk? Personal subjective evaluation results based on friendship cliques reasons. Don’t be afraid of those, if you install this methodology as a ritual every student knows that he will be evaluated from everyone as well every student has to evaluate, mostly those friendship orientated evaluation results leaving after a while, if you try to take criticism serious and professional, taking emotions out of those evaluations.