Time needed: 30-45 min

Why? Market of opportunities is a form of group work. The group work results are presented in various forms in a marketplace, to introduce the members of the group turns its stall with the information in conversations with market visitors and answer questions.

When? The market of opportunities provides a good chance for participants activation. The participants get their new knowledge not “chopped” served, but it must be earned. Here, the experts can draw in the groups and inspire each other. Another advantage is that all the “experts” have to contribute equally in the preparation of the substance and the presentation, because they are dependent on this knowledge in phase 2 and the presentation, because all their expertise they have to bear in the other group.

Furthermore, the trained material absorbed particularly well, because they are not only new knowledge as a “dead knowledge” appropriate, but must work actively. They need to find explanations to the new knowledge and offer this in the marketplace, and consider any additional examples to assist in the presentation phase. Thereby keeping the efficiency is increased and strengthened. The new knowledge must be applied and therefore in the form of structured exercise or the summary on a poster for example.

How? At the starting conditions, the participants will be divided into small groups part of the overall theme. This may apply to the following scheme:

1. Participants A1, A2 and A3 establish on part 1
2. Participants B1, B2 and B3 establish on part 2 and
3. Participants C1, C2 and C3 establish on third part

Phase 1 (development of expert knowledge): In the market of opportunities is in a first step (preparation phase) that these small groups establish with a topic or only the portion of an overall theme together. This form respective expert groups, which collect on the individual topics or sections particularly extensive knowledge and then transfer the knowledge as experts on the other.

Phase 2 (presentation of expert knowledge): In the second step (presentation phase) the groups dissolves A1-3, B1-3 and C1-3 and form new groups (A1, B1, C1), (A2, B2, C2) and (A3, B3, C3). Thus, in each group sits an expert on a topic from the respective expert groups in the newly formed group and can talk about his subject experts.

Phase 3 (outcome backup): Now, the experts all come naturally to her topic of expertise, in each other they are still “beginners”. To solve it, there are several opportunities: Firstly, the individual groups to measure their new knowledge to the tasks (tasks that can work out the teacher or the expert, depending on how much time is available for Phase 1). Another possibility: the group creates a kind of educational posters, on which the new knowledge is to articulate whatever kind – it may also interest group which created the best poster. Through these actions, the new knowledge is used and is thus secured.

Any risk? This method needs a lot of time, but is solving in the same time very complex subjects. Ultimately, this method offers a learning platform in an attempt to reproduce an excerpt from the real world of communication possible details. This requires different means of communication are made ​​available to enable the participants to exchange knowledge and information. In phase 1 (development of expert knowledge), the division into groups is basically the face-to-face communication. After the expert groups have found, they create a separate area (group) on the learning platform or receive it, in which they manage their knowledge among themselves first and collect. Phase 2 (presentation) provides an environment such as netucate all opportunities of the presentation or joint working group. Each presentation, each group has a room available. The expert knowledge can be transported either in a lecture or in a group discussion with participants, video and chat-rooms are also possible. After this first phase is the result either in securing a practical exercise, or through a joint instead of creating a final presentation.