Time needed: 5 to 20 min

Why? Students have different speeds in doing exercises. Whenever they work alone they can choose their personal speed.

When? After introduction of a topic you can do some exercises together on the whiteboard, and after that everyone can do exercises by her/himself.

How? Write down the exercises or book information on the whiteboard and tell students about the designated time to work on them. Tell them they should work at their own speed and that it is better not to finish alls tasks than not to do all exercises properly. Encourage them to indicate when they have problems.

Any risks? Don’t forget students who never ask for help. Make sure you checked every student if he or she is on track. However, as a teacher you can‘t be everywhere. You don‘t have to answer every individual question by yourself. If there is a student already who knows how to do it, ask him or her to become an expert to help a student who can‘t do this very exercise.

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